I do not believe any of the current reporting around the announced case has accurately described the issue; which I see as a much more subtle question of GPL use across API layers. Of course I don't know what the real issue is, because the case is sealed and I have no inside knowledge. I do have some knowledge of the vmkernel, however, and what I read does not match with what I know.
An overview of ESXi is shown below

There is no question that ESXi uses a lot of Linux kernel code and drivers. The question as I see it is more around the interface. The vmkernel provides a well-described API known as vmkapi. You can write drivers directly to this API; indeed some do. You can download a SDK.
A lot of Linux code has been extracted into vmkLinux; this is a shim between Linux drivers and the vmkapi interface. The intent here is to provide an environment where almost unmodified Linux drivers can interface to the proprietary vmkernel. This means vendors don't have to write two drivers, they can re-use their Linux ones. Of course, large parts of various Linux sub-systems' API are embedded in here. But the intent is that this code is modified to communicate to the vmkernel via the exposed vmkapi layer. It is conceivable that you could write a vmkWindows or vmkOpenBSD and essentially provide a shim-wrapper for drivers from other operating systems too.
vmkLinux and all the drivers are GPL, and released as such. I do not think there could be any argument there. But they interface to vmkapi which, as stated, is an available API but part of the proprietary kernel. So, as I see it, this is a much more subtle question than "did VMware copy-paste a bunch of Linux code into their kernel". It goes to where the GPL crosses API boundaries and what is considered a derived work.
If nothing else, this enforcement increasing clarity around that point would be good for everyone I think.