i've used blosxom before, and seeing as all the cool people use
pyblosxom and I'm much more familiar with python than I am with perl,
I've got it all going. I've had a few issues that I've got workarounds
happening for.
Firstly is the redirects so that you can't actually see the
pyblosxom.cgi file that is doing all the work. My naive first attempt at
writing a global catch all rewrite rule was just
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /pyblosxom.cgi/$1 [L]
But I think the issue with that is that it ends up recursevly matching
and you end up with a 500 error. The solution (for me) was to modify
this to break out when it matches the cgi file, so my .htaccess looks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /pyblosxom.cgi/$1
this seems to work quite well
Then there's the issue of only being able to upload to wienand.org
(where technovelty.org lives) via ftp ... since pybloxsom relies on
timestamps things were going to get tricky. luckily there is a
plugin already written by Nathan Bullock. So now I can create entries
with a little scripts like
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo usage: ./newentry.sh path/to/filename.txt
exit 1
ENTRY_DATE=`date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M'`
#make directory heirarchy
if [ ! -d "`dirname $NEWFILE`" ];then
echo making `dirname $NEWFILE` ...
mkdir -v -p `dirname $NEWFILE`
emacs -nw $NEWFILE
echo $ENTRY_DATE $NEWFILE >> timestamps
and upload them with which is a poor-mans ftp rsync.